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Are you ready?


You're faced with two doors, two options: One door leads to you the past.  The other?  It leads you to a contemporary time, much like our own, but driven by the souls of the dead.


Are you ready?  Choose a door.


Heather Hambel Curley writes historical fiction and sassy paranormal romance--and sometimes, a place inbetween.  It's witty and sarcastic, hot and sometimes dirty.


It's fiction that haunts you...


...and some of it is true...


Look around.  Grab a drink and stay awhile.  And when you're ready to choose a door?  She'll be waitng.


All the love,


We marched with our faces to the enemy, across the green pastures and past golden stalks of corn with tips higher than the top of my head. The ground had trembled all morning as the Rebel artillery barrage thundered with a fury not like any I’d ever experienced. We knew General Lee’s boys were just across the field from us, all night in fact, waiting as we were; waiting for the sun to come up and the fight to start. Maybe today was different. Maybe today we’d end the war.

--With My Face to the Enemy



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